Tuesday, February 12, 2008


So, what do you think of my blog's new makeover?

You see, I hurt my back......don't know how I hurt it, but it aches something fierce. So as I sit here on the bed with my heating pad (let me tell ya, it stinks to turn 40), I decided to make my own banner.

Now, I know that the banner has nothing to do with a heart, but I thought the photo was gorgeous. If anyone has a photo that you think would suit my blog, by all means I am open to suggestions.

Once I had the new banner, I decided that the color of the blog itself needed to change too. So, it's been a total overhaul.

Good news.....UPS just dropped off my two big 'ol boxes of BRAND NEW STUFF!!!! I need to make some samples for my New Catalog Open House on Saturday. Keep your fingers crossed that this backache subsides for me to get some work done.....and in turn, more projects for me to post here. It's killing me not being able to stamp!!!! {insert 40 year old tantrum here}

Until tomorrow....Happy Stamping everyone!!!!


Regina Cornelius regcorn@zoominternet.net said...

i like it! your banner is very nice! i would love to learn how to do that myself. i, too, had the same green format as you and a a couple months back i changed it too....it was time for me to change as well. anyway...i love your new look!

Kristi-Anna said...

It looks fabulous!! I would love to know how to do it too! :D

BarbK said...

Sorry to hear your back is bothering you. That stinks. If it's a muscle ache, heat is good. If it's skeletal, or bones, heat's not so good. Try ice for 15 minutes, then off, then ice 15 minutes, then off. I hope you feel better soon.
Your banner is lovely, BTW. Any photo we love and share is a Touch from the Heart!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Grammastamper(barb)15min of ice is the best for back pain--have suffered for years with this. Like your new look--hope you feel better soon. Back pain is the worst!

Broni said...

Hi, Patti! I just followed your link from Sharon Johnson's blog! I don't know what your banner looked like before, but I love your new one! Great job!!

Cindy Ehlers said...

Love the new look of your blog, the picture is very pretty.

Chris Scrappin and Stampin in Texas said...

Love your new banner..that picture is gorgeous. Hope your back gets better!